Yes, It was Talon's First Year at Green Canyon!
Doesn't it look like he had Fun!
He really did have a lot of fun. He loved camping, and swimming, and he
looked sooo cute in his monkey swim suit.
I took my Nephew, Carter on a hike up to what we call, "The Cave. It was so fun taking him. He "loves climbing mountains becuase there is always a surprise at the top." He also told me that "climbing a mountain isn't fun at first but it gets more fun." Mmmm, who does that remind you of, I think he has been talking to Uncle Tyler. He also said climbing mountains is in his top three things he likes to do, along with jumping bikes and swimming, I am sure fishing will creep in there soon after he goes with his grandpa and dad.
It was so fun to watch him get so excited about climbing and exploring everything!
All tuckered out half way through the week.
Grandpa and Aunt Lindsey hanging out with all the grandkids in the trailer. L to R: Talon, Maylee, Carter and Kambree.
We had a fun time at Green Canyon like always. Can't wait to go for the 20th Year!