Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Workin Out!

Last week I sat Talon by this box because he likes to play with it. Next thing I know he Grabs the top and pulls himself up. Talk about surprise! I couldn't believe it! He just held himself up there and played and laughed, he was so proud of himself.

Now when he sit him by the box he pulls himself up and down til he can't anymore because he is so tired. He starts crying and and getting angry but he won't give up. We like to say he is working out and won't give up til he gets that last pull up in.

First video-Talon at the first of pulling himself up. 2nd video-pulling himself up after a little while.

Friday, August 19, 2011

5 Months

Talon always has his finger in his mouth like this, just chewing on it, it's cute.

He is sitting up on his own now!! After awhile he will topple over if he gets too excited or reaching for something too far. He loves sitting up on his own, balancing with his arms.

Everyday is so Wonderful

I Love my little boy! He brightens my day! I love to see him smile and coo in the mornings and all day long, he is the happiest little boy.

He loves the outdoors and he loves his daddy. When we are outside he loves to explore everything. When we are inside and he's not happy I take him outside and he is smiling and exploring, mostly with his eyes and hands since he is still immobile.

For a mobile we have a curtain rod. One day I left him in his crib like this to play.

When I came back in it was like this.

Tuckered out

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Birthday Camping!

I turned 23 on the 12th of August! AHHHH!

To celebrate we went up to the Sawtooths and went camping.

We met up with a family from our ward, the Swensons, we had so much fun camping with them. To celebrate my b-day I made cupcakes to share with everyone. Talon was really intent on getting my cupcakeand before I realized what was happening he was grabbing at it. It was so funny to watch him stare at it and grab for it. We both got really messy.

Talon had fun Sitting in the big chairs, he really liked watching the dog.

We went on a hike to 4th of July lake. Beautiful hike, and Talon had fun sitting on the banks.

Tyler helped the Swenson kids with there shooting skills. This is Brooklyn, 4 years old. The only girl of 5 kids, I think she will handle being the only girl just fine.

Talon on the banks of the lake.

Tyler named this picture "first kill." We were all getting ready to go when we heard, "I got it, I got a chipmunk, I got it!" Jackson came ready to the camp with a squirrel. Tyler's target practicing with Jackson payed off. He said he shot it from a tree, when he went up to look at it it was still squirming so he shot it again (you can see where he shot it in the neck. It was so funny to hear him tell about it. He was excited to show tyler, which made Tyler feel pretty good.

We went fishing and Tyler actually caught a fish! He had so much fun because he caught 3 or 4 and the next day he caught probably around 10.

This is at Stanley Lake. Best fishing ever. I actually caught a fish while sitting on the Beach!

My fish!


"Keep your face to the sunshine and you cannot see the shadow. It's what Sunflowers do.

-Helen Keller-

We Had so Much fun With our sunflowers!

We Got so many seeds and there's still more growing! Talon had fun helping us with the seeds.

Potatoes + Peas = Delicious

All Right From Our Little Garden

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

4 Summit Challenge

Tyler's company did the challenge again, and I joined them this year. It was a tough but beautiful and surprisingly enjoyable ride up until the end. Everyone went the whole 75 miles except me- i went 63 miles, i didn't feel like climbing another summit and riding another hour.

As you can see from the map it wasn't flat at all. In all you gain almost 4,000 feet of elevation.

Tyler did the whole thing in a little over 4 hrs and i did 63 miles in about 5.

The Jersey's. They were pretty sweet.

I was the only girl and about a head shorter than everyone but 2.
Next year my goal is to do all of it and keep up with some of the guys. I just hope they don't add another summit like they did this year.

Baby Blocks

I made some blocks for my niece and Talon. They are so cute and so much fun. I felt so creative and crafty afterwards. Talon Loves his blocks, they are a great toy.