Thursday, April 26, 2012

Mount Donaldson

 Last weekend Talon stayed with Grandma and Grandpa Poole while we went and climbed a mountain.  Our goal was Mount Church and Donaldson.  We only climbed Donaldson because the snow was getting too soft which made me really really sad, I really wanted to bag 2 peaks in a day.  But it was soo Fun the weather was amazing, and it was the first time I got to use my Axe and Crampons.  Joe Crane came with us,  Tyler's climbing buddy from college.

 At the summit with Mount Church in the background
 Tyler and Joe
 This kind of shows how steep it was, which was when of the less steeper parts.
 Sliding down the mountain!  So much fun!
Tyler and I are making a goal to climb all 9 of the tallest mountains in Idaho by the end of the year.  I have only climbed 2 so far, Tyler has climbed 5.

Play Time With Talon

 Here are some pictures of what Talon has been up to lately.
 Lots and lots of playing at the park that is a block away from our house.
He loves going down the slides and trying to climb them.

 He also loves playing in the ducks water, I have to change his clothes atleast twice a day.
 Take that back, he loves playing in any water he can find, and he is always holding something, a pencil, a fork, a ball, or whatever he can find.

Thursday, April 19, 2012


Our camera broke so these are the only pictures we have for Moab this year. At least they were the best ones of the best looking little boy. Besides getting bit by red ants 10 minutes after we got to our campsite he did awesome and loved playing in the red sand, and the creek. Uncle Jake came with us so we were able to switch off babysitters while the other 2 biked, worked out great!

Talon waking up from a long night sleep, short for me because he kept wiggling. We have decided to upgrade to a bigger tent.