WOW how time flies! 11 months! It is almost sad to think he'll be 1 in a month
Talon loves the camera, he kept trying to grab it from me.
Talon has such a fun, happy personality. He is always on the go.
He loves climbing up and down Grandma and Grandpa Poole's stairs.
When he gets excited he rolls his hands in circles.
He is always talking.
He prefers sitting on the table rather than his chair.
He loves to read books.
He loves playing anywhere up high-the counter top, couches, table and bed.
He growls a lot.
He also has gotten another tooth!
He is constantly sticking his tongue out.
And he is standing by himself and walking with a lot of coaxing because. He is content with crawling because it's faster so he doesn't care to walk, which is just fine.
We love our little boy!