For Memorial weekend we did our yearly trip to southern Utah. This year we changed it up a bit and went to St. George. We went down with Tyler's 2 brothers and our 2 boys all packed in our new Honda Pilot, we were cozy but it worked.
We got to our campsite at 1 am of course like every year.
The next day Tyler and I went through a slot canyon in Zions National Park called Pine Creek.
We had soo much fun! This is coming down the first repel. The water was sooo cold, but as you can see there was no choice but to get in, good thing we had wet suits!
The second repel. Yes the water was the most appealing.
Warming up after the 3rd repel.
The lighting the slot canyon made was soo pretty, it was hard to take pictures in.
A picture with me and my man. It was sooo much fun going and doing something that we love together without the kiddos!! I was a little nervous though leaving my newborn with 2 guys who didn't really know what they were doing. But they did great, they got Kai's diaper on backwards but hey, they changed it atleast.
The last repel was a 100 ft free fall! I was so fun to do a crazy repel like that.
The hike out was beautiful and fun too because we had to jump in and cross the creek a lot.
Talon loving life back at camp that night playing in the dirt with the plates we were supposed to eat on.
Tyler and Talon feeding eachother popcorn.
Kai the second morning lounging in the camp chair. He loved camping too!
getting ready for the day in our 3 man tent. We sleep nice and cozy.
The second day Tyler and Andrew rode Gooseberry Mesa (Jake was feeling sick so he stayed at camp) while me and the kiddos hung out by the car and went on a little hike which ended with Talon sleep walking so I walked back with Kai in front in the Baby Bjorn and Talon in back in the kid pack.
Here is Talon riding his first slick rock! He rode his bike everywhere he loved being like his Dad and Uncles.
We ended the day with cliff jumping at Sand Hollow State Park. These were really high I went off the low part.
Sunday we went to Sacrament but didn't make it through because Talon was out of control and we were all self concious becuase we didn't smell awesome.
Than we went into Zions and toured it for the day. We hiked the Narrows while Andrew and Jake did Angels Landing.
Talon was in heaven hiking in the river and playing in the sand. By the end on the way back he was covered in sand becuase he layed in it and crawled on his belly through it like a snail. I think he almost gave one guy a heart attack cuz he thought he an giant crab coming out of the sand.
Tyler left us for a while and hiked further up. It was soo busy. If you want to see something really entertaining just sit and watch hundreds of tourists trying to hike up a river.
When Tyler caught up to us hiking back he picked Talon up and put him on his shoulders and he was out in less than 5 minutes.
A family picture at Weeping Wall.

Talon's favorite things about the park was hiking the trails, playing in the river, the buses and this water station. He was very helpful with filling up all our water containers.

Monday we ate breakfast at Tyler's favorite place, Kneaders, they serve all-you-can-eat french toast that is amazing! And we got entertained by a family of clowns eating there too!
Talon torturing Jake and Andrew egging him on. He loves his uncles.
This is Tyler and Andrew's picture attempting to make everyone jealous. Is it working? It should be because this place is amazing!
Kai sleeping.
We stopped by the St. George Temple so Andrew and Jake could see it.
I love how this Temple is all white! It' beautiful.
The rest of the day we went biking at Bear Poppy (really fun) and Broken Mesa (not so fun).

Our last day Tyler and I rode an insane trail from our camp down to the town by us that some locals told us about. It was insane but really fun. Jake, Andrew and the boys were waiting at the bottom for us.
Talon was riding his bike around and started pushing his bike up this. "Mom I want to ride this hill." Haha! Carter it looks like your going to have a crazy biking partner! I convinced him to ditch the bike and just climb it.
Tyler taking Talon off a jump.
The Bathtub
After our ride we went into Zions and Tyler and his brothers went through a slot canyon called Keyhole, which had 4 repels and a long narrow freezing swim at the end which they thought was really fun.
While they were going through the Canyon we played in a "kinda dark" and "kinda slippery" tunnel that went under the road and saw a family of mountain goats.
Back at home the next morning.
If anyone wants to come next time we are up for it!