Wednesday, December 31, 2014


 We were at Grandma and Grandpa Poole's for the first snowfall of the season. 
The kids were so excited!  
Kai didn't remember what snow was from last year and it was so funny to watch him in it.

 Talon liked packing the snow in his trains and eating it.
Talon loves making snow angels.  It's so fun watching him moves his arm and legs.

 We also made a snowman (2nd snowfall).
Talon was so excited for this too.  It HAD to have a hat and scarf.
We put it right by the driveway for Grandpa and Dad to see when they got home from hunting.
The next morning all he wanted to do was go see his snowman.


Life with two boys, there is always a mess, 
some worse than others.


This year for halloween, Talon wanted to be Lightning Mcqueen. 
I got on good ole pinterest for ideas and this is what I came up with. 
I also made a Mater for Kai to wear (you can see it in the second picture in the car) but we ended up using it as his trick-or-treat basket.
They were solo much fun to make and talon was too excited.  He ended up wearing both for halloween.  

Kai ended up being a Lion.

For Talon's preschool, we had a Halloween party and they all wore there costumes. 

Kai made it difficult to trick-or-treat with, as soon as he got a piece of 
candy he wanted me to open it.  

Kai taking a break, this Halloween stuff wore him out!

Halloween morning Talon requested Creepy Carrot pancakes and green ghosts.  

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Best Part of Fall

 We made Apple Cider again and the kids loved it again!!
Leaves and Apple Cider make Autumn!

Summer in Quick Review

 Here is our lovely family in front of our lovely house.  
As you can see our boys are in their underwear and diaper, 
they spent the whole summer this way.

 Here is a picture of Kai and his cousin Isaac at our Poole family reunion. 
Which was so much fun.
We canoed, swam, had a triathlon, ate amazing food, watched little glowing people dance, played volleyball, and had an intense water balloon fight.

The grandkids canoeing with Grandpa Rick

4 against one and it's still tipping.

Green Canyon was next. 
There was a lot of little children running around this year.  
It was pure Chaos!

Talon's bird house he painted.  I love his smile in this picture.

 Talon in my boots, in our new bedroom we did last fall that I never posted about. 

Tyler's Amazing new ride!
Complete with "hate obama" and "gut, guns and glory is how the u.s. was won" stickers on back.
 The kids love it.
 Talon calls it Dad's race car and loves when he gets to ride in it with him.

One of my favorite nights of the summer.  Talon wanted to sleep under the stars.  It was a great night talking with my little boy, and doing one of the things I loved most growing up.  
It was an uncomfortable night sleep but worth it.
Now we are in the month of August when the zucchini is flourishing and Talon loving 
helping me with the preserving this wonderful vegetable.


Talon has this obsession with finding small spaces and getting in them.

Frosting war in the back seat of the car.
I am a wonderful, oblivious, mother. 

Talon with his awesome junk store find!

We painted it and got it ready to take to the City of Rocks!

 Kai has an obsession with cooking, anywhere and everywhere, all the time.
The beads are his food he cooks.

He is very serious about his cooking, don't get in his way.

Enjoying time with Daddy.

 Playing with his train.

My two AMAZING Boys!!
There is only a 2 pound difference between them.  When I go to the store I have been 
asked if they're twins. 

Soakin in the rays before summer is over.

Talon wishing he could go hunting this fall with Dad and Grandpa.

Talon  helping Grandma Wheeler trim her apply tree.
He wanted it the same height as him I guess.

 Talon Rock Climbing at the City.  He is a natural, which is good.

Kai, at the bottom wishing he could climb too.  Tyler wondering what he got himself into trying to climb with 2 toddlers.

 Kai is a very independent little boy.  If you try and feed him, he gets mad and won't eat.
soo here is feeding himself.

 The best way to feed an 18 month old...outside.

 Fourth of July, getting ready to watch the fireworks.

 Tyler on one of his many many training rides for Lotoja.

 An attempt at a family photo at the temple.

We replaced or love seat, with a love sack.
It has been the best purchase ever!
Here, Kai is sleeping on it.  Don't worry, he never fell off.

Tyler practicing splinting a leg.

In September we took are beloved duck, Black Shadow, to the "Big Pond"  to be with his family.
Talon still sometimes asks if we can go get him.  So I will take him out to see him, or ducks that look like him.

 After we dropped the duck off the kids decided to go swimming in their clothes.

 More pictures of lazy summer days.

We had a busy summer filled with camping, gardening and playing as a family.