For Halloween we carved a pumpkin. It is supposed to be a spider.
I was a little worried about it at first but it turned out really good.

Our New Edition!!! Tyler's Parents bought us a piano for Tyler's
graduation present. Big Big thankyou to them! We have loved having it
and Tyler is has learned a song on it already for christmas called Still Still Still.
I am so proud of him. We are going to play it together in church next sunday, me on the violin. YAY! Pray for us!

Another new edition! Tyler bought a road bike! Tyler has been riding it
to work til it snowed and the roads got icy than I made him drive. Next summer we are going to do the 3 summit challenge again which they have upped to four summits. Tyler signed me up for it. I might not live through it.

Tyler's innovative way of trimming our maple Tree. He rigged up his climbing
rope and harness to the tree and chopped cut the huge limbs. It worked really well.
I think we scared some of the neighbors though. It was entertainining.