Monday, January 23, 2012

The Mighty Snow Family

We went to Pocatello for the weekend and my parents got dumped on with snow. It was Awesome! So nice to actually have snow and have it feel like winter. And it was the Perfect snow to build a snowman! I was like a little kid!
This is Talon looking at the snowman that is supposed to represent him.
It was going to be one normal sized snowman but Tyler wanted them moved to the middle of the yard and the ball got huge! And the one we rolled to put on top of it was too big so we made 2. than we made Talon.
Our Family
You can see that they were pretty big. The thing coming out of my snowman's head is supposed to a little hair thin, just in case you were wondering.

1 comment:

  1. We have yet to have snow like that in kids are missing out :)
