So here is the lovely picture of me at 31 weeks. I feel great except for my belly gets in the way now and
I definitely pay for it when I do too much. The baby is moving all the time now, especially from 7-11 pm!
Looks like we are going to have another night owl in our family.
I was reading back to my post when I was this far along with Talon and I said I had the leg
cramps at night. Not this time YAY!!! So it has been a really easy pregnancy so far.
This picture shows how big I really am. Some of my friends say my belly looks so cute and fake because it looks like the models you see in the magazines, I will take that as a great compliment because I don't feel that way at all, especially when Tyler comments that I am as big as I was at 38 weeks with Talon.
9 More weeks to go and we will get to meet this little he or she!!!