fresh water lines, And the Bathroom and we are still working on the electrical. I can't do much so I just follow tyler around with a much that looks like a marshmallow trying to eat me. My job is talking to him, handing him tools, cleaning up and a little painting.
the toilet there was a leak and it ruined the floor! We pulled this stuff up and the wood was all rotted! It was worse than we though.
caulking job and the sheetrock behind is was also rotting really bad. EWWWW!
We lived in Tyler's parents trailor that we parked by are house and got to use the bathroom in it which was a better but we still had to use the outhouse so the tank in the trailor wouldn't overfill. We shower and eat dinner and Tyler's parents house. We owe them a huge thanks!
Now that is one good looking bathroom. I may just have to drive all that way just to have a visit in that bathroom. Applause right here.........