Last year for new years we stayed in a snow cave 2 nights and ice climbed. This year we decided to go camping and hot pooling in the coldest place in Idaho-Stanley! It got down to -27 the night we camped out. We ended up pitching our tent right by some springs. While figuring out how we were going to sit in the hot springs without freezing after getting out, we fell asleep.
This is in the morning. We actually stayed pretty warm that night (though I was super uncomfortable), so it wasn't too bad. Can you see the frost on the sleeping bags? We ended up skipping breakfast and just packing up really fast. Luckily the car was only a quarter mile away. I got to the car and Tyler freaked out cuz half my nose was white so he made me sit in the car with a hot nalgene bottle on my nose. I guess he doesn't want a wife with half a nose.
Tyler after packing up, looks a little frosty don't ya think?
We ended up going to some hot springs after not to far from where we camped. This was right off the road along the river. It was a big cauldron with water flowing from a pipe to it. It was nice and warm. Whatever wasn't in the water got frosted.
Tyler in the cauldron!
There was no wind at all, there are frozen that way! In the few minutes I set them on the rock to change they froze. I am just lucky they didn't freeze to me!
We went snow shoeing later that day. It actually turned out to be a really nice day! It was beautiful weather and we had some beautiful views of the Sawtooths.
Tyler's extreme snow shoeing! Walking up a fallen tree and jumping off!
My Belly is getting bigger! My Dad and my Father-in-law both commented during christmas break that I am finally looking pregnant. I am starting to feel pregnant to. My belly is getting in the way of tying my shoes, I am hungry ALL THE TIME, and I am getting the dreaded cramps in my calf, wow do those hurt. I woke up one night growning because of the pain and tyler thought I was going into labor, so he rolled over and went back to sleep!
Tyler's youngest brother Andrew left on his mission for Toronto, Canada the Wednesday after Christmas. He is going to be an Awesome missionary. (Tyler is standing on the couch so he can look taller than Andrew)
Merry Christmas! It was so fun to be able to decorate my own house for Christmas. I was able to make stockings and my BELIEVE sign that I have wanted forever. Tyler and I were able to decorate our tree together. Didn't Tyler do a wonderful job with the bow!
The Traditional Wheeler Christmas Picture in front of the Christmas tree at Tyler's parents house. This picture makes me laugh cuz tyler is trying to stick his belly out like mine.
I don't have any other pictures from Christmas unfortunately because I forgot the memory card. We spent Christmas with my family and everyone was able to be there. It was so fun having little kids around, I love acting out the nativity with them and watching them open present. We were actually the last ones up Christmas morning. We were woken up by a very excited Carter jumping up and down yelling at us to "wake up, we were ruining christmas, we are already opening presents, Kambree got a bike." We was saying all this while dancing and jumping up and down, it made my christmas morning. I
We went to a really cool place out by Twin to look at lights with Tyler's family. I have never seen so many different kinds of lights-hot dog, poker, flowers, boxer shorts, you name it, it was there. They even had a mean giant nut cracker that would try and bite your finger off. Luckily Tyler got away with his finger still attached.
Yes, that is a REAL camel!! It was huge and very friendly. Andrew was trying to pick a fight with it but all it wanted was carrots.