This year we decided to go camping and hot pooling in the coldest place in
Idaho-Stanley! It got down to -27 the night we camped out. We ended up pitching our tent right by some springs. While figuring out how we were going to sit in the hot springs without freezing after getting out, we fell asleep.
Can you see the frost on the sleeping bags? We ended up skipping breakfast and just packing up really fast. Luckily the car was only a quarter mile away. I got to the car and Tyler freaked out cuz half my nose was white so he made me sit in the car with a hot nalgene bottle on my nose. I guess he doesn't want a wife with half a nose.
Ok you two. You are CRAZY!! I couldn't stop laughing over you two in the cauldron.HAHA May I just say that you are PREGNANT and you are in -27 degree weather and camping! Who crazy girl!! Are you booking your flight to hike Mt. Everest for next weekend?haha