2 weeks after graduation we went on a week-long vacation to
Moab with our friends, Emily and Rory O'Connor. It was a blast!
The first day we rode Slick Rock.
Tyler thought this part of the ride was pretty cool.
He was the only one who attempted it.

Don't step on the crack or you will and it will eat you!! Me on slick rock headed for a 500 foot cliff!
The next day we headed to Arches.
Delicate Arch

We were able to get permits to go through the Fiery Furnace.
We were able to get permits to go through the Fiery Furnace.
Pretty cool place, we did a lot of exploring. This is one of the places
we found.
Wednesday we hiked up Negro Bill's canyon to Landscape Arch.
It was a beautiful hike that went along a creek bed and ended at the arch.
Later that day we got rained out where we were climbing so we
headed up to a place called "the crack" that Rories friend told him about.
It was awesome.
Tyler climbing the crack. You had to jam your hands up in
there and hold on to nothing!
We backpacked in the canyonlands in the Needles area
This was are view from a rock by are campsite.
Our Campsite! It was awesome.
Our hike out. There were some really tight places!
Druid Arch and the Human Arch.
Last Night of Camping.
Tyler climbing a 5.10 that he thought was a 5.8 ha
Like the Got Milk?

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